Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Owl House The Collector Characters

collector owl house

On the way, the two discuss theories as to who Mildred really is and how she's able to travel between realms, with Luz being hopeful that she can find a way back to the Human Realm. When they arrive at the bookstore, they become disappointed upon learning that the event has been canceled. However, when they spot a hooded figure that they think is Mildred, they chase after them in order to get answers.

Season 3 of The Owl House premieres this October - Polygon

Season 3 of The Owl House premieres this October.

Posted: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Character information

With the rain painfully dissolving his body, Belos, in desperation, urges Luz to save him and make peace, but she remains unmoved by his pleas and only looks down on him in contempt. Luz and her companions explaining to the Collector how kindness and forgiveness can be effective in making friends. After Katya drops off Luz to free Amity, who has been grounded by her parents, she is surprised to meet up with Willow, Gus, and Hunter.

Return to the Demon Realm

In actuality, he is a lonely child who just wants a genuine connection with someone after being manipulated his entire life. He's shown to be friendly to pretty much everyone he meets, and loves keeping promises and it when people lie. As a spirit, he appears as a two-dimensional being with a half-split design; again with one side black with three sun symbols, and the other grey with three crescent moon symbols. When Luz takes a blast meant for the Collector and explodes into many orbs of light, The Collector is left confused about what they did wrong and where did Luz go. When King and Eda go completely feral in grief and fury, The Collector doesn't understand what's going on, but when he assumes Luz 'broke' and tries to fix her, he realizes he can’t bring her back and finally understands what death means to mortals.

Willow Park

The selkidomus approaches with its baby and Luz and Eda pretend to slay it to get King back. After the Golden Guard leaves, they tell the selkidomus to flee deeper into the sea and it vomits up selkigris, a valuable substance at the Night Market, much to Luz's disgust and Eda's joy. When the three return to the Owl House, they relearn that Lilith has made a scrying potion to spy on the emperor and they order take out. What happened to the other Collectors is unknown, but it is believed as life developed in the Demon Realm and new species of demons were born, the Collectors maintained a sporadic presence, capturing rare magical beasts for their collection. Contact with the forerunning demonic species occurred, some even worshipping the Collectors, believing them to be gods and in awe of them wiping out the Titans. The groups that formed were the Titan Trappers who mimicked the actions of the Collectors in hunting down any Titan infants.

collector owl house

Temporary Powers

After the Collector pulls King back, he creates the Archive House, a place for he and King to live. King explains "The Owl House" to the collector, saying it's kind of like playing pretend. He starts turning people into puppets, much to King's dismay, in order to help with the game, and creates spies to help with this.

Edric and Emira Blight

With his body almost completely dissolved by the time he reaches her feet, the fallen tyrant grabs hold of her left leg and makes one final plea for mercy, stating that they, as humans, are better than this. Luz, not even bothering to acknowledge his petty words, remains silent and simply steps back to leave him to his fate. Luz, Eda, and King take the Collector to The Owl House, where they say they all first met as a group. After explaining that they grew close after learning they fit in nowhere else, Luz shows the Collector pictures of her past adventures, and after seeing a picture of grudgby, they take him to Hexside.

He captures Eda, and stores her in a room guarded by puppets, under the impression that she's in Owl Beast form and can't change back, despite this not being the case. After this, the Collector makes an honest effort to be kind to people, once Luz shows him how she befriended people like Amity and Lilith through kindness and forgiveness and not through forcing them like he initially thought. However, the Collector took the lesson too much by heart and tried to do the same to Belos, naively assuming anyone could be forgiven. The revelation sees a change in the Collector, as he cries at the fact he hurt many people so carelessly that he shows sadness and empathy for the first time and is devastated for indirectly causing Luz’s death.

Eda Clawthorne

When Luz is scared away by Grom, who chases after her, Amity follows them to a cliff edge and stands between them when Grom reads her mind and transforms into her greatest fear; an indistinct person (whom Luz doesn't realize to be herself) tearing her Grom-posal note in half. After Luz reads half of the note, she offers to go with Amity herself and they defeat Grom with a magic-infused dance. After they are both rewarded the Grom Tiara, Luz asks Amity who she wanted to ask, and Amity blushes and tells her it isn't important, throwing aside the other half of the note which reveals that it was Luz she wanted to ask out, revealing that Amity has a crush on her. Luz is also always willing to jump into the fray is Willow's well-being is at risk, such as going into her mind to repair her memory in "Understanding Willow" and offering to take Willow's torment from Boscha unto herself to spare her from any more, putting even her own life at risk. Once Willow's memory is restored in the former episode, Luz welcomes her back with an eager hug, stating that "[she'd] hug her so hard, she'd never forget [Luz] again".

Camila Noceda

He chooses to return to his home among the stars for introspection, occasionally returning to the Isles to visit his new friends. Luz is good friends with Captain Salty, and possesses a great deal of respect for his skills as a sailor. They first met in "Separate Tides", when she temporarily joined his crew to take part in the hunt for the Selkidomus in order to improve Eda's struggling finances at the time.

Following Luz's return to the Human Realm, with her friends and their palismen being trapped there with her, Luz and Flapjack's friendship continued to grow, with him joining her and the others on a number of fun activities. Unfortunately, however, this would tragically come to an end the following Halloween night, when the presumed deceased Belos possessed Hunter and attacked Luz, Flapjack, and the others. During the ensuing fight, Luz and Flapjack worked together, to the point where he allowed her to hold him in his staff form and use his powers, in an attempt to free Hunter from Belos' control. In "Thanks to Them", during the months following being trapped in the Human Realm, Luz and Hunter's bond has continued to grow, developing a much closer and unique relationship. While in the Human Realm, the two continued to bond as they guarded their respective secrets, which they kept from their friends, while also confining in each other the guilt and shame they both felt about them. Because of this, Hunter serves as an important confidante and source of comfort to Luz, to the point where she comes to view him as part of her family.

He later possesses Hunter through a wound on his finger, and slowly takes over him. Belos reveals himself to Luz when they are both at the cemetery looking for Titan's Blood, and the duo start fighting each other. When Camila, Vee, Amity, Willow, and Gus arrive later, Belos reveals to them that Luz is the one who helped him meet the Collector, shocking everyone. Some time later, Belos is forced out of Hunter's body, and escaped through the portal into the Demon Realm. Everyone except Vee decides to follow suit, and they have been trying to hunt down Belos ever since. However, after possessing Raine's puppet body, Belos has managed to trick the Collector into thinking that Luz and her friends are coming to destroy them, which makes them angry.

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