Tuesday, April 30, 2024

List of The Owl House characters Wikipedia

collector owl house

By the end of the same episode, Luz wants them to create their own club called the Azura Book Club. In "Yesterday's Lie", Luz attempts to make a portal to the Human Realm in order to see Camila again. However, the portal only partially works and sends her to an unknown realm, where she can communicate via reflections. Later, after Vee gets captured by the curator of the Gravesfield Historical Society, Luz contacts Camila for help and explains her time in the Boiling Isles. While Camila at first believes it to be a game, she realizes that Luz was serious upon seeing Vee in a cage. After helping Vee escape, Camila reveals that she's having a hard time trying to keep it together regarding Luz being stuck in the Demon Realm, but also notes how much Luz seems to have matured.

Emperor Belos/Philip Wittebane

She also learns that, while her original glyph magic died with the Titan, the growing King has developed new glyphs for her to learn. In season two, Amity is put upon by Odalia and Alador when they expel her friends from Hexside for being a "bad influence" on her. Willow became his first genuine friend and taught him a breathing technique, which Gus later shares with Hunter. His illusionary abilities are also revealed to be rather powerful, but can become untamed if he is stressed or upset. Amity Blight (voiced by Mae Whitman) is a student at Hexside; she is an abomination expert and works part-time at the Bonesborough Library. Initially, she appears to be an petty and cold-hearted top student, who bullies those she feels are inferior to her.

Temporary Powers

King uses his Titan powers to break the Collector's mirror, allowing him to escape it and regain his physical form before he stops Belos from killing Luz and instead splatters his body against the skull's wall. For all his power, it appears that the Collector is not truly malicious and at his heart is just a child who only wishes to connect and make friends. However, having spent a long time imprisoned to be sought after for his magical power, the Collector fears being alone and is wary that people will use him and leave him.

'The Owl House' Series Finale Review: Season 3 Episode 3 “Watching and Dreaming” - TV Source Magazine

'The Owl House' Series Finale Review: Season 3 Episode 3 “Watching and Dreaming”.

Posted: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Return to the Demon Realm

Lilith and Luz try to survive the Stonesleeper as Philip digs up a reflective disk and teleports away. As they hide, Lilith laments about their deaths before their births as Luz remembers something Lilith said on the beach about Stonesleepers having a ticklish spot behind their ears. When they catch up with him, Luz demands he tells them how the disk will help with the portal. After he offers to work together again, Lilith strikes him in the face and they leave. As they go back to the beach, Lilith comforts Luz by saying she will get home one day.

collector owl house

After the Boiling Isles is saved, the Collector turns everyone back to normal and decides to return to the stars to reflect and grow up on his own, signifying his adopting a more responsible mindset. With a new appreciation of life, he also becomes open to forming real bonds with the people around him. He is deeply touched when King gifts him Francois before departing and gifts Luz a portal door so she can come and go between the Human and Demon realms as many times as she wants. Despite living in the stars now, the Collector visits his new friends from time to time, putting up a spectacular display of shooting stars for Luz as a birthday present in gratitude for everything she’s done. A figure tells her to wake up, and Luz finds herself and Stringbean in the Emperor's Castle's throne room, dressed like the Emperor. She exits the castle and encounters Amity outside, who accuses her of making everything worse.

Philip Wittebane

Later, as the Collector starts reshaping the Titan's skull, Luz and the rest are pushed through the portal into the Human Realm by King's sonic shout. When Amity noticed Luz wasn't going to enter the portal, as Luz was worried about Eda, she cried and pleaded with her. Just as they were about to enter the portal, Amity realized Luz was going to stay behind, prompting Amity to run after her before King's sonic shout forced all of them to the Human Realm. Later, when Eda and King manage to get an upset Hooty away long enough for the two of them to be alone, Luz tells Amity that she had been wanting the perfect situation to ask Amity something and that she thinks Amity would be too cool for the Tunnel of Love.

Edric and Emira Blight

Furthermore, he reacts in befuddlement to what tears are after his eyes begin producing them, completely at a loss of words for what the feelings mean, never feeling that kind of grief before. Despite all his flaws, the Collector has an honorable side, as he offers the heroes a head start in the game of tag keeps his word, and stops the Draining Spell after King freed him from his prison. The Collector also values what King has to say, and King seems to be the only being he listens to. He also displays some affability with Odalia Blight, whom he sees as a maternal figure, despite making her his servant to his whims.

Luz reveals her plan to help Kikimora by kidnapping her and Raine, shocking everyone. As the Gland Prix is approaching, Luz and King train for the event as the winner gets interviewed and King wants to send a message to his father. Eda decides to put his message on Penstagram and he delivers his message with Eda being shocked and overjoyed that he wants to legally become her son. At the Owl House Luz speaks with Eda and King, who has been asked to chaperone the event and help Gus announce the event respectively, who say she is not ready to face Grometheus and Luz storms out. She runs into Amity who says Bump will only let her opt out if she can find a replacement, to which Luz agrees to be. However, after seeing Luz's minor fears, Amity asks what Luz truly fears, to which Luz replays disappointing Eda.

They find a key hole and, upon putting the key on it, the three are teleported to a far away island. The trio is greeted by a demon resembling King who introduces himself as Tarak. Tarak explains how he is part of a group called the Titan Trappers and explains their mission to eradicate the titans to free their god, the Grand Huntsman. Tarak drops Luz and Hooty off to speak with their leader, Bill, as King bonds with the Titan Trappers. As she tries to convince Bill to help them take on Belos, Bill dismisses their request as Belos is too far to be a threat and states the titans are a greater threat.

Upon expressing this sentiment to him, Hunter was touched to the point of tears, prompting Luz to console him with a hug. After Belos kills Flapjack and escapes through the portal into the Demon Realm, Luz becomes overwhelmed with guilt that she had helped Belos to achieve his goal before. Hunter consoles her by saying that if not for Luz, Belos would have tricked someone else anyway, and pleads Luz to fight back together for the sake of Flapjack. Luz eventually agrees, and the duo go back to the Demon Realm along with Camila, Amity, Willow, and Gus. Following her arrival to the Demon Realm, Luz immediately came to despise Belos for his cruel and oppressive rule over the Boiling Isles, and realized that he was extremely dangerous and up to no good from the moment she saw him for the first time.

The Collector is a former antagonist of The Owl House, acting as the secondary antagonist of the second season and one of two central antagonists of the third season. A mysterious, god-like entity known as a "collector", he[note 1] was originally trapped inside the In Between Realm where he spent centuries awaiting his release. When assistance arrived in the form of Emperor Belos, the Collector helped the emperor with the Day of Unity in exchange for his freedom. Once the event proceeded as planned, Belos went back on his word and abandoned the Collector in his prison, only to be freed from it later by King.

After Hunter tries confronting Inner Belos about all the lies that he had been told over the years, it's then revealed that Hunter is a Grimwalker before he gets pulled into the ground. Luz tosses her jacket at Hunter for him to grab on, but he's still dragged down. Not much later, after Belos reveals not only that he's a witch hunter, but also Philip Wittebane, Hunter summons some vines and an ice pillar to stop Luz from being killed.

The Collector doesn't believe him at first, until he eavesdrop on King's conversation with Eda and Lilith, coming up with a plan to stop The Collector once and for all but failing to see that King wants to try talking him down instead of sealing him away again. Belos even tells The Collector that Luz has returned and is also plotting to destroy him. After this the two head to bed where King tries to reason with The Collector about not endangering people's lives with dangerous games. However, The Collector has no sympathy for how fragile a mortal's life is, then The Collector ask Kings him a bedtime story which is in fact The Collectors' creed, but he botched part of the text to add that "playing games and having fun is more important and the others stink". The Collectors are first revealed in the second episode of the show's third season, "For the Future". According to the Collector's storybook, the Collectors, as their name suggests, "preserve" species on the worlds they exert their powers on.

The Owl House The Collector Characters

collector owl house

On the way, the two discuss theories as to who Mildred really is and how she's able to travel between realms, with Luz being hopeful that she can find a way back to the Human Realm. When they arrive at the bookstore, they become disappointed upon learning that the event has been canceled. However, when they spot a hooded figure that they think is Mildred, they chase after them in order to get answers.

Season 3 of The Owl House premieres this October - Polygon

Season 3 of The Owl House premieres this October.

Posted: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Character information

With the rain painfully dissolving his body, Belos, in desperation, urges Luz to save him and make peace, but she remains unmoved by his pleas and only looks down on him in contempt. Luz and her companions explaining to the Collector how kindness and forgiveness can be effective in making friends. After Katya drops off Luz to free Amity, who has been grounded by her parents, she is surprised to meet up with Willow, Gus, and Hunter.

Return to the Demon Realm

In actuality, he is a lonely child who just wants a genuine connection with someone after being manipulated his entire life. He's shown to be friendly to pretty much everyone he meets, and loves keeping promises and it when people lie. As a spirit, he appears as a two-dimensional being with a half-split design; again with one side black with three sun symbols, and the other grey with three crescent moon symbols. When Luz takes a blast meant for the Collector and explodes into many orbs of light, The Collector is left confused about what they did wrong and where did Luz go. When King and Eda go completely feral in grief and fury, The Collector doesn't understand what's going on, but when he assumes Luz 'broke' and tries to fix her, he realizes he can’t bring her back and finally understands what death means to mortals.

Willow Park

The selkidomus approaches with its baby and Luz and Eda pretend to slay it to get King back. After the Golden Guard leaves, they tell the selkidomus to flee deeper into the sea and it vomits up selkigris, a valuable substance at the Night Market, much to Luz's disgust and Eda's joy. When the three return to the Owl House, they relearn that Lilith has made a scrying potion to spy on the emperor and they order take out. What happened to the other Collectors is unknown, but it is believed as life developed in the Demon Realm and new species of demons were born, the Collectors maintained a sporadic presence, capturing rare magical beasts for their collection. Contact with the forerunning demonic species occurred, some even worshipping the Collectors, believing them to be gods and in awe of them wiping out the Titans. The groups that formed were the Titan Trappers who mimicked the actions of the Collectors in hunting down any Titan infants.

collector owl house

Temporary Powers

After the Collector pulls King back, he creates the Archive House, a place for he and King to live. King explains "The Owl House" to the collector, saying it's kind of like playing pretend. He starts turning people into puppets, much to King's dismay, in order to help with the game, and creates spies to help with this.

Edric and Emira Blight

With his body almost completely dissolved by the time he reaches her feet, the fallen tyrant grabs hold of her left leg and makes one final plea for mercy, stating that they, as humans, are better than this. Luz, not even bothering to acknowledge his petty words, remains silent and simply steps back to leave him to his fate. Luz, Eda, and King take the Collector to The Owl House, where they say they all first met as a group. After explaining that they grew close after learning they fit in nowhere else, Luz shows the Collector pictures of her past adventures, and after seeing a picture of grudgby, they take him to Hexside.

He captures Eda, and stores her in a room guarded by puppets, under the impression that she's in Owl Beast form and can't change back, despite this not being the case. After this, the Collector makes an honest effort to be kind to people, once Luz shows him how she befriended people like Amity and Lilith through kindness and forgiveness and not through forcing them like he initially thought. However, the Collector took the lesson too much by heart and tried to do the same to Belos, naively assuming anyone could be forgiven. The revelation sees a change in the Collector, as he cries at the fact he hurt many people so carelessly that he shows sadness and empathy for the first time and is devastated for indirectly causing Luz’s death.

Eda Clawthorne

When Luz is scared away by Grom, who chases after her, Amity follows them to a cliff edge and stands between them when Grom reads her mind and transforms into her greatest fear; an indistinct person (whom Luz doesn't realize to be herself) tearing her Grom-posal note in half. After Luz reads half of the note, she offers to go with Amity herself and they defeat Grom with a magic-infused dance. After they are both rewarded the Grom Tiara, Luz asks Amity who she wanted to ask, and Amity blushes and tells her it isn't important, throwing aside the other half of the note which reveals that it was Luz she wanted to ask out, revealing that Amity has a crush on her. Luz is also always willing to jump into the fray is Willow's well-being is at risk, such as going into her mind to repair her memory in "Understanding Willow" and offering to take Willow's torment from Boscha unto herself to spare her from any more, putting even her own life at risk. Once Willow's memory is restored in the former episode, Luz welcomes her back with an eager hug, stating that "[she'd] hug her so hard, she'd never forget [Luz] again".

Camila Noceda

He chooses to return to his home among the stars for introspection, occasionally returning to the Isles to visit his new friends. Luz is good friends with Captain Salty, and possesses a great deal of respect for his skills as a sailor. They first met in "Separate Tides", when she temporarily joined his crew to take part in the hunt for the Selkidomus in order to improve Eda's struggling finances at the time.

Following Luz's return to the Human Realm, with her friends and their palismen being trapped there with her, Luz and Flapjack's friendship continued to grow, with him joining her and the others on a number of fun activities. Unfortunately, however, this would tragically come to an end the following Halloween night, when the presumed deceased Belos possessed Hunter and attacked Luz, Flapjack, and the others. During the ensuing fight, Luz and Flapjack worked together, to the point where he allowed her to hold him in his staff form and use his powers, in an attempt to free Hunter from Belos' control. In "Thanks to Them", during the months following being trapped in the Human Realm, Luz and Hunter's bond has continued to grow, developing a much closer and unique relationship. While in the Human Realm, the two continued to bond as they guarded their respective secrets, which they kept from their friends, while also confining in each other the guilt and shame they both felt about them. Because of this, Hunter serves as an important confidante and source of comfort to Luz, to the point where she comes to view him as part of her family.

He later possesses Hunter through a wound on his finger, and slowly takes over him. Belos reveals himself to Luz when they are both at the cemetery looking for Titan's Blood, and the duo start fighting each other. When Camila, Vee, Amity, Willow, and Gus arrive later, Belos reveals to them that Luz is the one who helped him meet the Collector, shocking everyone. Some time later, Belos is forced out of Hunter's body, and escaped through the portal into the Demon Realm. Everyone except Vee decides to follow suit, and they have been trying to hunt down Belos ever since. However, after possessing Raine's puppet body, Belos has managed to trick the Collector into thinking that Luz and her friends are coming to destroy them, which makes them angry.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Free Photography Logo Designs

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The best laptops for graphic design - Creative Bloq

The best laptops for graphic design.

Posted: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:43:54 GMT [source]

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Use Lightroom to Add Your Signature to Photos in Under 60 Seconds.

Posted: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]

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House Approves $95 Billion Aid Bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan The New York Times

united states house of representatives republican conference

The Pentagon should be able to start getting shells to Ukraine within two weeks, reckons Michael Kofman of the Carnegie Endowment, a think-tank, and can supply enough to last for a year or so. Larger weapons systems will take much longer to ship; some still need to be ordered, let alone manufactured. The hope is that it will be enough to fend off a larger-scale Russian offensive that Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military-intelligence service, has said he expects in June.

How the House Voted on Foreign Aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

House districts are based on that census (with the Congress based on those districts starting its term on the following January 3). As there is no legislation at the federal level mandating one particular system for elections to the House, systems are set at the state level. As of 2022, first-past-the-post or plurality voting is adopted in 46 states, ranked-choice or instant-runoff voting in two states (Alaska and Maine), and two-round system in two states (Georgia and Mississippi). The House passed a long-stalled foreign aid package on Saturday that gives funding to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, with a majority of lawmakers backing money for American allies across the globe. The rules of the House generally address a two-party system, with a majority party in government, and a minority party in opposition. The presiding officer is the Speaker of the House, who is elected by the members thereof.

“Let the conference decide," McCarthy says in refusing to rule out a comeback as speaker

The man needed to see the necessary national-security budget bill through, Mike Johnson, the Republican speaker of the House, seemed unfit for the task. Thrust into the role from relative obscurity six months ago after his loud, isolationist colleagues defenestrated their previous leader, Kevin McCarthy, Mr Johnson lacked leadership experience. He had only a razor-thin parliamentary majority, had voted repeatedly against Ukraine funding himself and faced the threat of regicide from his own side if he changed his mind. And yet on April 20th, under Mr Johnson’s leadership, the House of Representatives met the moment, passing the budget bill through extraordinary parliamentary manoeuvring with large, bipartisan majorities in defiance of the isolationist faction of the Republican Party. Even though a majority of his own party voted against additional aid for Ukraine, Mr Johnson secured its passage with unanimous Democratic support. The isolationists managed to delay America’s support for its allies for six months, but ultimately could not defeat it.

Rep. Bacon says the GOP conference is not here to accommodate the 8 hardliners who voted to oust McCarthy

The speaker's powers included chairmanship of the influential Rules Committee and the ability to appoint members of other House committees. However, these powers were curtailed in the "Revolution of 1910" because of the efforts of Democrats and dissatisfied Republicans who opposed Cannon's heavy-handed tactics. In most states, major party candidates for each district are nominated in partisan primary elections, typically held in spring to late summer. Exceptions can result in so-called floor fights—convention votes by delegates, with outcomes that can be hard to predict. Especially if a convention is closely divided, a losing candidate may contend further by meeting the conditions for a primary election.

Your Government in Action

Many argue the money should be spent domestically or that policy changes at the US-Mexico border should take precedence. Before the midterms, the share of Republicans with a positive view of Trump had slipped. In an October 2022 survey, most Republicans expressed a warm view of the former president, but the share saying this – as measured by a “feeling thermometer” ranging from 0 to 100 – had fallen since 2020. Six-in-ten Republicans said they had warm feelings toward Trump in October, down from 67% a year earlier and 79% in April 2020, during Trump’s unsuccessful reelection campaign. On immigration policy, Republicans overwhelmingly prioritize securing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Could House control flip to the Democrats? Early resignations leave GOP majority on edge - CBS News

Could House control flip to the Democrats? Early resignations leave GOP majority on edge.

Posted: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

House Republicans Continue To Stand Up To Communist China De...

At Columbia, Speaker Johnson booed and heckled, calls on its president to resign if she can't 'bring order' to protests - ABC News

At Columbia, Speaker Johnson booed and heckled, calls on its president to resign if she can't 'bring order' to protests.

Posted: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 23:37:30 GMT [source]

In the 2022 elections, Republicans took back control of the House, winning a slim majority. The late 19th and early 20th centuries also saw a dramatic increase in the power of the speaker of the House. The rise of the speaker's influence began in the 1890s, during the tenure of Republican Thomas Brackett Reed. While the minority leader was the head of the minority party, the majority leader remained subordinate to the speaker. The speakership reached its zenith during the term of Republican Joseph Gurney Cannon, from 1903 to 1911.

united states house of representatives republican conference

House Republicans Hold Roundtable on Border Security

In the past week, two more House Republicans – Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona – have signed on as co-sponsors. The Israel bill includes about $4.4bn to replenish depleted US supplies given to Israel; $4bn for missile defense, including the much-vaunted Iron Dome, and $1.2bn for the Iron Beam; and $3.5bn to help Israel buy weapons. There are also provisions to make it easier to supply Israel with US munitions held in other countries. Voting began hours ahead of schedule in an extraordinary Saturday session that delayed the House’s planned recess. The House erupted into applause when the Ukraine bill passed, with the chair, Marc Molinaro of New York, admonishing members not to wave Ukrainian flags. Bowman also voted against a bill that would eliminate TikTok in the U.S. unless the Chinese company that owns it sells the popular social media app.

After the whips, the next ranking official in the House party's leadership is the party conference chair (styled as the Republican conference chair and Democratic caucus chair). The speaker, committee chairs, and some other officials are generally from the majority party; they have counterparts (for instance, the "ranking members" of committees) in the minority party. Several swing-district House Republicans praised Speaker Mike Johnson for pushing forward with the foreign aid bills and attacked his detractors. GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie railed on House Speaker Mike Johnson and his handling of the foreign aid bills, despite deciding not to move to oust the speaker Saturday. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday celebrated the House's passage of a $95 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific. Senators could try to strip out the TikTok legislation, but policy analysts view it as unlikely, as quickly approving the foreign aid is a top congressional priority.

Joe Biden’s failed Far Left open border policies are attracting individuals with heinous convictions, including rapes of incapacitated children to the United St... Today, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio will address a Joint Meeting of Congress at a time when Communist China's aggression in the Indo-Pacific region and...

- Speaker McCarthy after being sworn in as the 55th Speaker of the House of Representatives. Majority Leader Scalise slams the Biden Administration’s extreme overreach and the weaponization of the federal government. “Thankfully, the House will take action on the HALT Fentanyl Act this week to…give law enforcement t...

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in multiple interviews this afternoon refused to rule himself out in the run for the speakership, insisting the GOP conference will decide. Rep. Steve Womack of Arkansas, who is backing Rep. Steve Scalise as speaker, said the world is looking at the House with concern, adding that the crisis in Israel has put more pressure on lawmakers to unite. Jordan and many of his allies are backing the proposal, which is expected to be discussed at tonight’s closed-door conference meeting.

You will need written permission from the copyright owners of materials not in the public domain for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. You may also need permission from holders of other rights, such as publicity and/or privacy rights. However, the Constitution states, "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives." Because of the Origination Clause, the Senate cannot initiate bills imposing taxes. This provision barring the Senate from introducing revenue bills is based on the practice of the British Parliament, in which only the House of Commons may originate such measures. Furthermore, congressional tradition holds that the House of Representatives originates appropriation bills. The largest committee of the House is the Committee of the Whole, which, as its name suggests, consists of all members of the House.

Emmer, who lost a race for Minnesota governor in 2010, was a state representative from 2004 to 2008. Emmer, who voted to certify the 2020 election in a rebuke to former President Donald Trump, could face resistance from some members of the House Freedom Caucus skeptical of the current GOP leadership team and as Trump’s allies have attacked him. "The rules are the rules, and practice and custom in our conference has always been make your case, get a majority of the majority, become the nominee. ... That's the way it should be. And I would hope that's the way it will be this week," Womack said. GOP Rep. Don Bacon, from a swing district in Nebraska, attacked the eight Republicans who voted to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House speaker ahead of a closed-door meeting of the conference Monday. The Biden administration and congressional Democrats are weighing tying legislation for additional military support for Israel with military assistance for Ukraine, setting up a showdown with congressional Republicans opposed to helping Ukraine amid the tumult in the speaker-less chamber. Zakharova said that in addition to the package's "military aid to the Kyiv regime," the bills would support Taiwan's "interference in China’s internal affairs" and allow Israel to continue "a direct path toward escalating unprecedented aggravation in the region."

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida would not say if she will vote for GOP Whip Tom Emmer on the floor when asked by CNN’s Manu Raju. GOP Rep. Mike Johnson, who serves on the House Judiciary Committee with Jordan but is from Scalise's home state of Louisiana, would not commit to who he was supporting. Jordan told CNN that if McCarthy entered the race, "I'm going to listen to my colleagues." Bacon also said it would be difficult for him to support anyone whom the eight hardliners ultimately coalesce around. Rep. Steve Womack, a senior GOP appropriator, likened the conference to a “scattergram” as Republicans continue to debate the way forward.

The House also has the power to formally censure or reprimand its members; censure or reprimand of a member requires only a simple majority, and does not remove that member from office. Representatives and delegates serve for two-year terms, while a resident commissioner (a kind of delegate) serves for four years. The U.S. Constitution requires that vacancies in the House be filled with a special election.

House Republicans emerge from meeting saying conference is divided over way forward

united states house of representatives republican conference

No member may make a speech or a motion unless they have first been recognized by the presiding officer. Moreover, the presiding officer may rule on a "point of order" (a member's objection that a rule has been breached); the decision is subject to appeal to the whole House. On Friday, Republicans met again and chose his challenger, congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, a founder of the ultraconservative House Freedom caucus and one of Donald Trump’s most loyal allies on Capitol Hill. But the behind-closed-doors vote showed he was still a staggering 65 votes short of the 217 needed to get the job.

House Republicans Are Protecting Clean Water And Unleashing American Energy Dominance

The package largely mirrors the foreign aid proposal passed by the Senate in February, although it designates $10bn of the Ukraine funding as a repayable loan to appease some Republican members. In a bipartisan vote, 210 Democrats and 101 Republicans joined to support Ukraine, with 112 Republicans – a majority of the GOP members – voting against. It came after the Republican speaker, Mike Johnson, forced a series of bills onto the floor in the face of fierce resistance within his own Republican party, many of whom oppose spending more on Ukraine’s defense.

Some House Republicans opt to skip annual retreat: 'Everybody's tired' - USA TODAY

Some House Republicans opt to skip annual retreat: 'Everybody's tired'.

Posted: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

GOP lawmaker says 26 votes against Emmer during roll call vote

Two years later, he helped amplify Trump’s lies about the 2020 election and voted against certifying the electoral college vote in the hours after the January 6 assault on the US Capitol. Over the last year, he has used his position as chair of the House judiciary committee to pursue politically-motivated investigations into Biden and his administration. In another era, it would have been unthinkable for House Republicans to undermine their party’s chosen candidate for speaker. But in present-day Republican politics, there are often more incentives than consequences for breaking the rules and thwarting the majority. South Carolina Republican Rep. Ralph Norman told CNN's Kasie Hunt that he voted for fellow Freedom Caucus member Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida for speaker three times this morning but did not rule out supporting GOP Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota in the future. The former National Republican Congressional Committee chairman was first elected to Congress in 2014 and became majority whip earlier this year.

House Republicans Are Fighting To Restore American Energy Dominance

“Those are the rules that Kevin McCarthy agreed to; that's the rules that they all voted for. I think we all know how that would be played out,” said Burchett, who added that they have a plan. And Republican Rep. Tim Burchett, one of the hardliners who voted to oust McCarthy, defended himself against those who have called for kicking the eight off committees. A small minority of the conference "took the wheels off our car and we need to be acting right now on Israel,” Bacon told CNN. “They don't support the institution. They don't support our party. All these folks care about is media clicks." When pressed on whether the eight rebels who voted last week to oust McCarthy understand the urgency, McCaul said if the attacks against Israel don't "wake up members of my conference, then I don’t know what else will." “I would prefer to have that vote within the family before we go to the floor and not have a repeat of the 15 ballots," the Texas Republican said, referring to the protracted floor fight in January that ended with Kevin McCarthy winning the gavel. "I think that just projects weakness.

Specifically, Norman said the Freedom Caucus wants to sit down with the nominee and ask tough questions. "Trust is something people are looking for," Norman said, adding that "Tom's honest." Emmer's total is still short of the 217 total needed to win the speakership on the House floor. That House GOP roll call vote is happening now, according to Rep. Doug LaMalfa of California.

Comparison to the Senate

After years of driving their party’s speakers from power, they are now on the cusp of claiming the gavel for themselves. Congressman Steve Scalise, the House majority leader, won the first secret internal election to be the party’s nominee to be speaker on Wednesday but by Thursday evening he had withdrawn his consideration. “We already had upwards of 20 who said they could not support Tom Emmer,” he said.

GOP tensions are still raw ahead of critical meetings over the future of the party amid speaker race

The Senate is expected to pass the legislation as early as Tuesday and send it to President Biden’s desk, capping its tortured journey through Congress. Republicans and Democrats have more dislike for the opposite party than in the past. Since the mid-1990s, partisan antipathy has risen substantially among members of both parties. In a survey conducted last year, 62% of Republicans said they had a very unfavorable view of the Democratic Party, nearly triple the share who said this in 1994.

User Clip: Declaraciones de Mike Johnson sobre el programa "Quédate en México"

When the presidency and Senate are controlled by a different party from the one controlling the House, the speaker can become the de facto "leader of the opposition". Some notable examples include Tip O'Neill in the 1980s, Newt Gingrich in the 1990s, John Boehner in the early 2010s, and Nancy Pelosi in the late 2000s and again in the late 2010s and early 2020s. Since the speaker is a partisan officer with substantial power to control the business of the House, the position is often used for partisan advantage. The speaker is the presiding officer of the House but does not preside over every debate. Instead, they delegate the responsibility of presiding to other members in most cases. The powers of the presiding officer are extensive; one important power is that of controlling the order in which members of the House speak.

After months of delay at the hands of a bloc of ultraconservative Republicans, the package drew overwhelming bipartisan support, reflecting broad consensus. Stay on top of American politics with The US in brief, our daily newsletter with fast analysis of the most important electoral stories, and Checks and Balance, a weekly note from our Lexington columnist that examines the state of American democracy and the issues that matter to voters. The Constitution provides that the Senate's "advice and consent" is necessary for the president to make appointments and to ratify treaties. Thus, with its potential to frustrate presidential appointments, the Senate is more powerful than the House.

united states house of representatives republican conference

Nineteen members of the House Progressive Caucus who voted against further aid to Israel said Saturday that “we make ourselves complicit in this tragedy” if Congress continues to supply military assistance amid the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Johnson’s reliance on Democratic votes to pass key pieces of legislation, including a major government funding bill that cleared the House last month, has outraged some hard-right Republicans. “This package will deliver critical support to Israel and Ukraine; provide desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza, Sudan, Haiti and other locations impacted by conflicts and natural disasters around the world; and bolster security and stability in the Indo-Pacific. Members were voting on a package worth close to $95bn in total, but which had been broken up into four separate bills, as Johnson effectively de-coupled the vote on Ukraine from funding for Israel, which is more widely supported among both Democrats and Republicans. The other two New York Democrats who voted against the Israel aid and TikTok ban were Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nydia Velazquez, both of New York City. Everyone from New York supported a separate bill with $8 billion in funding to repel Chinese aggression against Taiwan and in the Indo-Pacific region.

All southern senators except Andrew Johnson resigned their seats at the beginning of the war, and therefore the Senate did not hold the balance of power between North and South during the war. Congress is under pressure to respond to the war between Israel and Hamas, there is the question of additional funding for Ukraine as it attempts to repel invading Russian forces, and the stopgap bill to keep the government open is set to expire in mid-November. Yet Jordan has shown repeatedly that he is willing to risk a debt default or government shutdown when the alternative means a compromise with Democrats.

The majority party members and the minority party members meet separately to select their leaders. Third parties rarely have had enough members to elect their own leadership, and independents will generally join one of the larger party organizations to receive committee assignments. A party caucus or conference is the name given to a meeting of or organization of all party members in the House. A foreign aid package passed by the US House of Representatives will “exacerbate global crises,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a statement to CNN on Saturday. First to be voted on was a bill including legislation on border security, which failed, as expected. Many rightwing Republicans do not want the Biden administration to win credit for resolving a crisis at the US border with Mexico, where there has been an upsurge of asylum seekers, during an election year.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Owl House Finale Gives Luz Powerful Final Form: Watch

luz owl house

King, noticing that Eda's eyes have turned black, remembers that those kinds of demons are sensitive to light, meaning they can use it to their advantage. He asks Luz to cast the light spell, but she doesn't know how to do it, but she then sees something on his phone for a moment, a pattern in the circle Eda made, and when she follows it, she manages to do the spell, thus making her first spell. Luz begins to cast more light spells and King gets Eda's attention to lead her to the spells, and when she does, they blind her with a much larger spell and knock her unconscious with it, giving her the elixir to bring her back to normal while she is unconscious. By the time of "Thanks to Them", after months of being trapped with her friends in the Human Realm, Luz became little more than a shell of her former self, with both her mental and emotional health degrading to worrisome extents, showing multiple signs of depression. By this point, Luz's earlier insecurities and low self-esteem transformed into an intense, unhealthy sense of self-loathing, believing herself to be responsible for all of her friends and family's suffering, to the point of furiously cursing her very existence. In addition, Luz also blamed herself for nearly every mistake or hindrance that she and her friends came across, even when they weren't her fault.

Character information

My Adventures With Superman Confirms What Fans Suspected About Lois Lane - The Direct

My Adventures With Superman Confirms What Fans Suspected About Lois Lane.

Posted: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

After noticing King is depressed, Luz suggests raiding the warehouse where their belongings are to find Francois, King's favorite toy. The three set sail with Salty and reach their destination, the finger of a different titan. They find a key hole and, upon putting the key on it, the three are teleported to a far away island. The trio is greeted by a demon resembling King who introduces himself as Tarak.

Who is Luz Noceda?

When Luz finally returns to the Demon Realm, she, Camila, and the rest are taken back to Hexside by Mattholomule and Skara. There, she finds out that Boscha has become the student body president of the school, and has an advisor called Miki. Luz tries to offer to save everyone, but the idea is promptly rejected by Miki and Boscha, as they both deem it too dangerous. Later, Boscha throws Luz along with some others into the detention pit for trying to plot a rebellion against her.

Playing with the Collector and stopping Belos

This was seen when she blamed herself intensely for both Eda's capture by Lilith and later the loss of her magic, despite Eda's reassurances that neither was her fault. This sense of guilt would traumatically increase, however, after discovering the truth about Belos' identity and the role she inadvertently played in his rise to power, finding the Collector, and nearly wiping out all of witch and demon-kind on the Day of Unity. Following this, Luz's optimism was increasingly worn down by the traumas she endured and the constant blame she placed on herself for them, causing her to become a much more hardened and serious person who was determined to end Belos' evil even at the cost of her own life. Luz is a kind-hearted, outgoing, eccentric, energetic, and exceedingly geeky girl, who possesses a strong love of fantasy and adventure.

luz owl house

As they go back to the beach, Lilith comforts Luz by saying she will get home one day. After returning to their own time, they inform Eda of their adventure through time, much to Eda's disbelief. Upon traveling back in time, they don disguises to better blend in with the populace, with Luz utilizing a medieval helmet to hide her ears.

Luz herself feels guilty as she realizes that all the events that have transpired were indirectly caused by her. Luz is a 14-year-old Dominican-American girl with tan skin, short, dark brown hair, and hazel-brown eyes. Her clothing consists of a pair of black earrings, a white-and-violet shirt-sleeved hoodie that had cat ears with pink insides attached to the hood, greenish-gray jean-shorts, dark gray leggings, and a pair of white slip-on shoes. Her nightwear consists of a light gray sleeveless top, purple shorts with an amber trim, moon and star, and white-and-indigo socks. When attending Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, she wears the standard uniform, but with multi-colored sleeves and leggings as she is studying all the tracks in the school.

10 Times Disney's The Owl House Makes Fun Of Harry Potter - Screen Rant

10 Times Disney's The Owl House Makes Fun Of Harry Potter.

Posted: Tue, 02 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Despite the odds being very heavily stacked against her in a world much different from her own, Luz doesn't let anything seem to slow her down, and her unbridled enthusiasm is just one of the reasons fans love the show's main character. There is no denying Luz Noceda is outstanding, but what some fans may not realize is that the actress who voices the aspiring witch is absolutely stunning in real life. Of course, this is a Disney Channel show, so this death isn’t permanent. (Don’t worry! Killing the main character off in the middle of the finale also isn’t the move in a story fundamentally about finding one’s place and being around people who love you.) But for a good five minutes, it feels like it just might be for real. And the episode gives this Disney Death just enough time to feel impactful, but doesn’t drag it out so it’s a gotcha moment five seconds before the end. Amity and the rest of Luz’s friends are shell-shocked in the moments before they rally.

This isn’t a story where the found family dissolves after the adventure or bittersweetly grows apart; these bonds are made to last and last they will. The Owl House gave us almost everything that it could’ve in its limited three episode final season — and also gave us a gut-punch in the finale that is going to stick with us for some time. Because we’ve seen Luz work out her issues and confront them head on, it’s very evident how both Belos and the Collector represent these trials that once stood in her way.

After a brief battle, mother and daughter manage to escape and have a heart-to-heart that leads to Luz realizing that the one thing she wanted in life was to be understood. This triggers the hatching of her own palisman, a shape-shifting snake that she names Stringbean. The three are reunited with the rest of the team; this proves brief as the Collector, under the impression Luz was out to destroy them, an idea planted by Belos possessing the body of Raine Whispers, separates them; only Luz is spared from being turned into a puppet. The Collector attempts to use Luz's guilt against her, but this proves to be of naught when she notices Amity misremember a passage from The Good Witch Azura, which in turn enables her to break free and reunite with Eda and King. The three are dragged into a series of games by the Collector, which they outsmart him in and upset him. The three talk him down and have him revisit their memories to understand that they too know what it is like to be misunderstood.

As they wonder through the empty town, they narrowly evade a wave of sparkles and finds the town residents have been turned into puppets. The watch as the Owl Beast emerges and the Collector and King arrive soon after. After the Collector unleashes a "light spell", the Owl Beast is revealed to be Terra Snapdragon in a costume, who the Collector turns into a puppet after she insults him. The Collector and King leave soon after and Luz and everyone decide to go to the Head to confront the Collector just as they are found by Skara, Barcus, and Mattholomule. Prior to the start of the series, her father, Manny Noceda, passed away when she was very young.

A teenage Afro-Latina girl who, after following an owl carrying a trash bag into an abandoned house, suddenly finds herself on the Boiling Isles, a world where magic is real. It's not long after, that Luz runs into Eda, the most powerful witch on the isle (also the most wanted), and her demon companion, King. After helping Eda and King on an adventure, Luz decides she wants to stay on the Isles and learn magic.

luz owl house

After failing her book report at school due to her outlandish presentation, her mother decides to send her to "Reality Check Summer Camp" to help her focus more on reality. To show confirmation of her mother's wishes, she throws her copy of (The Good Witch Azura book) in the trash. As soon as her mother leaves, however, she returns for it, only to see it being carried away by an owl into a run-down house. Upon entering, Luz is transported to the magical world of the Boiling Isles, in a town called (Bonesborough). She also meets Amity Blight, a snooty student who initially looks down on Luz and her friends.[27] During her time in (Bonesborough), Luz learns that she can perform magic by drawing "glyphs" on paper.

Luz listens as Eda tells Lilith how she is against going for larger bounties as it is too much of a risk and they need food Luz can digest. In response, Luz and King go after the largest bounty they can find, the selkidomus. As they set sail, Luz uses her glyph magic to earn the respect of Salty and his crew. Luz tries to free herself and succeeds, only for Lilith to threaten to impale her on the sharp rocks below. As Eda's curse finally takes its toll on her body, the Owl Lady tells Luz to care for Hooty and King and thanks Luz for being in her life.

Following class, when she is at her locker, two transfer students come up to her and give her a flyer for the Gravesfield Halloween Festival. That night, having trouble sleeping, she goes to her mother's room and spends the night with her and her palisman, unknowingly waking Amity and dropping the flyer for the Halloween festival. Luz finds Amity at the cliff where she and Amity had defeated Grometheus. She opens up to Amity about it being the anniversary of her father's death, and apologizes for how her frustration has affected her actions. After hearing a scream, the two run back to the arena, where they find a mutated Warden Wrath and they work to stop him. After he is reverted back to normal, Luz and Amity return to the cliff, where they tie flowers to a balloon made of abomination goo and set it loose, watching as it flies into the sunset.

Soon, King and Hooty arrive to inform them Lilith has transformed as well. They try to get Morton to give them elixir, but he turns them away as they have no money. However, Gwen, who finally learned that she was being conned, arrives with elixir and the three subdue the sisters and get them back to normal. In addition to her father's death, Luz struggled to adjust to life in Gravesfield throughout her childhood and into her teens, with most of the town's people resenting and ostracizing her for her antics and unusual behavior. From an early age, Luz's eccentricities resulted in her being unable to make any friends, as other children found her weird and repulsive, while also receiving disgust from adult onlookers who would regularly openly criticize her for her behavior.

Create Your Cocomelon Cake: The Ultimate Party Treat Guide

cocomelon cake design

Roll out fondant or prepare buttercream in various colors to create Cocomelon-themed decorations. Use cookie cutters or hand-cut shapes to make characters, watermelon slices, rainbows, or other elements. You will need edible glue to place the decorations on the cake, or you can use frosting to secure them in place. Bake a Cocomelon-themed cake to add colors and fun to your younger one’s special day! Their bright colors and many different characters and themes bring life to a birthday party or any celebration.

More Than Just The Logo

The fluffy style makes the logo harder to recognize and the center being red rather than pink doesn’t help either. The creator even used a combination of green and blue icing to create the appearance of ground and sky. One part is certainly the sheer number of characters. They’re all flat, so they work perfectly with the top-down style of the cake. As with many of these cakes, it’s almost impossible to tell which parts are edible and which aren’t. That doesn’t really matter, though, as the whole thing looks stunning (which really is the critical part).

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Color the frosting as needed to match your Cocomelon theme using food coloring. One of our favorite Cocomelon cake ideas is this adorable design that features the entire family from the show. We love how the standing fondant rainbow creates such a beautiful background for the Cocomelon characters. This quick tutorial for a 2-tier Cocomelon cake may look complicated, but it is not. The decorations and toppers like the rainbow, clouds, stars, ladybug, and bus are carefully molded using fondant. Printed Cocomelon characters are also added to complete the theme.

Deliciously Sweet Cocomelon Cake – A Treat for Little Melonheads!

cocomelon cake design

This cake is made of a vanilla sponge filled and crumb coated in strawberry cream. Carefully cut and molded, each detail is created and stuck into the cake. The celebrant will surely love having their favorite show come to life.

Best Cocomelon Birthday Cake Ideas for Girls

Our soft vanilla and chocolate cakes are freshly baked and decorated with colorful fondant details that will delight your baby. Order yours today and enjoy the music and fun with every bite of our delicious cakes! We have the widest collection of themes you can choose from for your baby’s next birthday. This cake will bring lots of fun to the party as it features fondant characters that kids can touch and play with.

Alternatives to Cocomelon Birthday Cake

cocomelon cake design

We’ve been mostly focusing on carefully crafted cakes, often ones using rainbows, clouds, and even balloons to make them look amazing. While those cakes are certainly special, they can also be tough for the average home baker. This pink cake makes full use of the CoComelon animal characters, featuring JJ as the only human, plus the CoComelon logo (of course).

Cocomelon Number Theme Cake

If you’re a fan of electric colors and cake designs full of energy, you’re going to love this colorful Cocomelon cake. Finally, you could try the delicious recipe I recommend. Add to a small piping bag fit with a wide flat tip, like a Wilton 2B and set aside. Scoop 1/3 cup of frosting in a separate bowl and color red with red gel food coloring. Add into a small piping bag fit with a small round tip, like a Wilton 12 and set aside. To help you find the perfect cake for your next party, I’ve compiled a list of 25+ stunning Cocomelon cake designs.

Cocomelon Tri-Color Birthday Cake

This cute Cocomelon cake has plenty of bright colors and fun topper elements. The “1” topper makes it perfect for a 1st birthday party celebration. For the flavor, you can go with orange to train your toddler to get accustomed to the taste of fruit. Alternatively, go with rainbow filling for extra flair. Either way, the topper should feature your kids’ favorite adorable Cocomelon characters.

KSnaps Celeb Kids Themed Birthday Parties - ABS-CBN Entertainment

KSnaps Celeb Kids Themed Birthday Parties.

Posted: Sun, 09 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

And it’s Cocomelon to the rescue when parents need to catch a break or when the little ones need some distraction. So, if you’re one of these parents, you know that a Cocomelon theme for your baby’s birthday makes the most sense. And since every Cocomelon party would need a Cocomelon cake, that means you’d have to go through some Cocomelon cake ideas, too. Add a pastel-colored fondant rainbow and clouds to the front of the cake. Next, add fondant animals to the top of your cake, alongside a cute number candle. Cocomelon makes for some great birthday cake inspiration.

Don’t hesitate to play with their width and make your colors more vibrant to suit your personal preferences. In my opinion, this cake is probably the cutest on the list, so if this is the look you’re going for, this is the perfect cake idea for you. If you’re looking for a girly cake design, you might love this one.

There are several options for Cocomelon cake toppers, including edible images, figurines, and cutouts. To find the perfect topper for your cake, consider your design and the overall theme of the party. Looking for the perfect cake for your child’s birthday party? This popular children’s show has captured the hearts of kids all over the UK, making it an ideal theme for a birthday cake.

Look at their portfolio of previous work and read reviews from previous customers to ensure they can provide what you’re looking for. Not only will you save time and stress, but you’ll also get a beautiful and delicious cake that’s sure to impress. Place the Cocomelon cake topper in the center of the cake.

Get your kids a delicious Cocomelon cake which is also fun to play with. This rounded birthday cake portrays the real shape of Cocomelon, making it attractive and charming. On the base of the cake, you can add Cocomelon character figurines, protecting the cake.

There are plenty of DIY easy Cocomelon cake designs in the list below to inspire you. Previously, we had a Cocomelon cake with JJ riding the yellow bus as a topper. Now this time, the whole cake comes in the shape of a bus! The fun yellow bus will surely captivate your children’s attention. The kids will be excited to cut and eat this cake, thanks to its toy-like appearance. Using the same tones as the candy, add the dripping effect as if the sweet melts, and let the drips touch the Cocomelon’s face at the front side.

Here is an elegant cake design that is guaranteed to impress your party guests. This unique tiered cake is decorated with colored fondant, with plenty of added details to give it dimension. This beautiful Cocomelon cake is made of two flavors of cake sponge. For Cocomelon’s face and other details, fondant is also used. This fantastic cake will be an excellent gift for a kid who loves Cocomelon.

This step-by-step video will show you everything you need to know to recreate this design at home. Classic sheet cakes are always a great choice for parties! Here is a gorgeous idea for a sheet cake, decorated with colored buttercream and topped with character printables and a 3D JJ model. Number cakes are a fun way to celebrate the birthday kid turning another year older. This simple watermelon number cake is easy to recreate and will be a hit at your party.

10 Tips To Create An Asian-Inspired Interior

asian design

If subdued colors are more your style, soft blues, greens, and neutrals found in Japanese designs are perfect for you. Drawing on centuries of tradition and culture, Asian style homes are beautiful, functional, and exist harmoniously within their environment. Every element, from the interior to the exterior, blends together to create a room that is balanced and free of clutter.

Lacquered furniture

From antique furniture to traditional motifs and artwork, these design elements add depth, history, and cultural richness to the space. Furthermore, using natural materials like bamboo, rattan, and wood helps to establish a strong connection with nature. These materials can be incorporated into furniture, flooring, or even wall coverings, adding warmth, texture, and a natural aesthetic to the space. Nature holds a special place in Asian cultures, and modern Asian interior design often incorporates nature-inspired elements to create a sense of calmness and tranquility. Bringing the outdoors in helps to establish a strong connection with nature, even in urban settings.

The Hardships and Dreams of Asian Americans Living in Poverty

Antique furniture pieces, such as a Chinese cabinet or a Japanese tansu chest, can be used as statement pieces in a modern Asian-inspired space. These pieces not only add a sense of history and craftsmanship but also serve as conversation starters and focal points in the room. Tapestries provide a beautiful alternative to framed prints, offering a traditional and tactile approach to art. Use these beautiful pieces to create division between rooms with a doorway tapestry like this one.

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The clean lines of an Asian rosewood bench with a geometric pattern fits right into most contemporary entrance halls. Dark wood and metallic accents found on many Asian furniture pieces look great with any shade of white or a more saturated hue, like eggplant or red. Classic designs include people dressed in traditional garb, landscape scenes featuring Asian architecture, native trees and flowers, and quirky birds.

Unique Home in Mar Vista Hill Influenced by Sri Lankan Architect Geoffrey Bawa

Creamy white and pale grey hues complement the light wood furniture in the room, where the main light source is a bespoke cone-shaped lantern. This was designed in washi paper by Japan's Kojima Shouten, which has been making lanterns for over 230 years. This is the latest lookbook in a series providing visual inspiration for interior designers and design lovers. Previous lookbooks in the series have showcased bathrooms with views, calm living rooms and peaceful bedrooms. Decoist is a web magazine that brings you the daily bits of architecture, furniture and interior design. On her first episode of season 16, which aired on MTV, Wind performed a traditional Asian sleeve dance for the episode’s talent show.

The distinct appeal of Asian designs and patterns continues to dominate many segments of society today. From movie posters and restaurant logos to buildings and furniture pieces, we must acknowledge the influence of Asian aesthetics. Consider installing dimmable lights or using wall sconces to create a warm and gentle glow. Incorporate natural light as much as possible by using frosted glass or sheer window coverings to maintain privacy while allowing natural light to filter into the space.

Hosted by 'DESIGNSORI', a premier Korean design media firm, the initiative is dedicated to securing its position as the leading global design accolade. From the initial engagement, we prioritize integrity, aiming to ensure the final interaction is exceptionally impactful. Our goal is to ascend as Asia's top design award, renowned for its fair evaluation process and exceptional user experience.

Asian Design Resources: Oriental Elements, Patterns, Illustrations, Paper + More

In recent seasons the high-waisted pants, distinctive shirting, and statement outerwear have been highlights. All together, Luo’s collections feel like a savvy insider-outsider take on American archetypes. Chinese designer Xander Zhou has been a highlight at London Fashion Week for the past few seasons, and his strange, surreal point-of-view has only become more prescient as the world becomes increasingly unhinged.

asian design

Asian Inspired Interior Design Tips & Ideas

These 5 Southeast Asian designers are redefining traditional crafts with modern technology - Tatler Taiwan

These 5 Southeast Asian designers are redefining traditional crafts with modern technology.

Posted: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Those classes with fewer than 50 sampled addresses or large adjustment factors were collapsed with nearby cells within the sample type. Given the large variance in the household weights among the medium density ABS stratum, final household weights for addresses within this stratum were capped at 300. Each sampled mailing address was assigned to one of four categories according to its final screener disposition.

Think beyond the decor itself to fashion a more authentic Asian-themed interior. Sandalwood incense, scented candles and beautiful wind chimes elevate the Oriental feel to a whole new level. Add to this a few potted plants and shrubs that bring in nature’s goodness and you will instantly notice the transformation of the modern home into a comforting and serene hub. Both sound and aroma play a critical part in shaping our perception of various settings and in making the room a far more pleasant space. They also do not demand any repainting of the walls or renovation of your home and redefine the aesthetics in a cost-effective manner. Therefore, the use of natural materials in the interior is simply necessary.

As a result, the frame excluded 54.1% of the 2020 census tracts, 49.1% of the U.S. adult population, including 9.1% of adults who self-identified as Asian alone or in combination with other races or Hispanic ethnicity. For the largest five Asian ethnic subgroups, Filipinos had the largest percentage of excluded adults, with 6.8%, while Indians had the lowest with 4.2% of the adults. This stratification and the assignment of differential sampling rates to the strata were critical design components because of the rareness of the Asian American adult population. Asian American adults include those who self-identify as Asian, either alone or in combination with other races or Hispanic identity. This LA-based and -produced brand is all about occupying “the space between,” says creative director Kara Jubin.

Lighting plays a crucial role in modern Asian interior design, as it helps to set the mood and highlight key design elements. Thoughtful lighting choices can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, enhancing the overall ambiance of the space. Modern Asian interior design allows for a creative fusion of Eastern and Western design elements. This blend creates a unique and personalized space that reflects the individual’s taste and personality. Incorporating traditional motifs, such as Chinese calligraphy or Japanese woodblock prints, can also add cultural richness and visual interest to the space. These motifs can be featured in artwork, textiles, or even wallpaper designs.

Those receiving a paper extended instrument were sent the extended survey in the language in which the screener was completed. For web, respondents continued in their selected language from the screener. In the last month of data collection, an additional mailing was added to boost the number of Vietnamese respondents. This was sent in a No. 10 envelope with a wide window and was assembled with a $1 bill visible through the envelope window. A pre-incentive of $2 (in the form of two $1 bills) was sent to all sampled addresses with the first letter, which provided information about how to complete the survey online.

This not only adds a touch of history and culture but also creates a focal point that adds depth and visual interest to the space. Modern Asian interiors emphasize minimalism and decluttering, allowing for a sense of tranquility and simplicity. This minimalist approach helps to create a calm and serene atmosphere, promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Owl House TV Series 2020 2023

luz owl house

Luz tries to force herself to like only potions, but she sees Willow sparring with an oracle student and her multi-track interest increases. After she finds a shelf of crystal balls, she tries to use one, only for Bump to catch her. Bump then places her in the detention track, since an inspector is coming and he wants the school to look good. In addition, another factor that weighs heavily on Luz's mind is the loss of her father, Manny, whom she still grieves for, even years after his passing. It's also been implied on occasion that much of Luz's creativity, eccentricity, optimism, and love of fantasy, especially her fondness for the Azura franchise, which was the final gift her father gave her, is a means of coping with his loss. In the epilogue of "Watching and Dreaming", Luz is slightly taller and dons a new set of clothes.


The Owl House: Where to Watch & Stream Online - Yahoo Entertainment

The Owl House: Where to Watch & Stream Online.

Posted: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

We know both points are going to come to head here at some point, and sure enough they do. Eda hears talk of the brawl and is ready to join, she used to love going to them and even shares with Amity that her father was great to watch in the duels. For the first time in a few episodes, we are treated to the full opening credits for The Owl House. Thankfully, with acceptance from her Mom and hearing wise words from The Titan, Luz is able to finally forgive herself and move on from her guilt from helping Belos, allowing her to finally defeat him for good. During her return to earth, Luz is at her psychological worst, having gone from a girl with boundless optimism and happiness into a cold, self-loathing person.

King Clawthorne

luz owl house

Due to her love of all things fantasy and magical, she wants to become a witch. She soon becomes a friend of a small wolf-like demon with a skull-like head named King, and Eda's apprentice. In "King's Tide", Luz confronts Belos in an effort to stop the Day of Unity after tricking Kikimora to take her by having Gus disguise her as Hunter. Belos then tells her that despite their differences, he wants to help send Luz home, saying that he doesn't want another human life destroyed by the Boiling Isles. However, Luz calls him out on his hypocrisy, noting his claims about protecting humanity despite being barely human after using magic on his own body for so long.

Arriving in the Boiling Isles

Eda explains that everyone present was suspicious of the Day of Unity and have formed a group, the Covens Against the Throne, to stop it. After going to their headquarters in Latissa, Eda presents Luz with a box labeled "Eda's longest toenails" and, upon evening, is surprised to see the palistrom wood in it. The following morning, Luz tells the others what she learned of Belos as they listen in disbelief.

Role and characteristics

For her part, Luz respects Bump and generally considers him to be a good teacher, but can be frustrated at times by his strict adamance for following dogmatic rules and is unafraid of calling him out when she feels he is being unreasonable. In turn, Bump is easily annoyed and has at times punished Luz for the chaos and disruptions her antics at school sometimes cause, but he does genuinely care about her well being and sees great potential in her. During their imprisonment, Luz becomes increasingly infuriated by Odalia's selfishness in helping Belos, and her open disapproval in her and Amity's relationship.

Return to the Demon Realm

She does not hold Eda's flaws against her and instead tries to help her resolve them. Luz does not always share Eda's interests, as she was disgusted by the thought of digging through a trash worm, and sometimes questioned Eda's lessons, leading to her rebelling against her. Though in the end, she realizes how important her lessons truly are when one of those lessons saves her life.

The Owl House - Luz Noceda

She is an extremely optimistic person who always attempts to see the best in others, even in past enemies. She is eager to find her place in the world and be accepted for who she feels she truly is. She is clever, creative, and a quick thinker, capable of coming up with solutions to problems on the fly, but if she has too much on her mind, she can be oblivious to things like, initially, Amity's crush on her. At times, Luz has also been shown to utter small phrases in Spanish when experiencing certain bouts of emotion. She also possesses fondness for certain animals that most would find creepy and disgusting, such as snakes, spiders, and possums. Once one liter of water was put into the pot, Eda brought it outside to simmer.


As they were about to enter the portal, Amity paraphrased what Luz told her in "Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hooty's Door" about how it would be awesome if Luz was in her future. In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", it's shown that Luz is torn between trying to get information out of the Echo Mouse and trying to figure out how to ask Amity out, referring to her as a "cotton-candy-haired goddess". Luz is worried that Amity will find her cheesy like everyone did back home, stating that Amity is "smart, cool, and classy", so asking her out should be breathtaking, emotional and real. Later, she finds Amity in the basement, who has been kidnapped and brought there by Hooty. When Amity mentions wanting to forget about the kiss at Blight Manor, Luz gets worried and quickly changes the subject.

Odalia Blight

Amity creates a balloon and they attach the flowers giving fans hope that maybe they’ll reach the human realm, but the episode closes on a view of Luz’s mom at home with the basilisk putting flowers in a vase and looking to the same(?) stars above. But Luz finds herself watching, and thinking, when her phone starts going off again. She needs to be more heavily involved in this distraction so she enters the brawl herself. When Luz died at the hands of Emperor Belos she meets the spirit of King's Father. He gives the last of his life force to Luz in order to be revived and transform into a Titan Witch Hybrid albeit temporary.

Who does Luz end up with in The Owl House? Explained - Sportskeeda

Who does Luz end up with in The Owl House? Explained.

Posted: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

She later met new friends in the Boiling Isles like Willow Park and Gus Porter. But her biggest moment was when she met her rival Amity Blight at first the two are hostile but as time develops Amity warms up to Luz and soon becomes friends but little does Luz knows Amity has developed feelings for her. Later, Luz enters Hexside Academy as a new exchange student though she was saddened at first as she was only allowed to learn one type of magic at a time, and not combine different magic types. Granting her the final bits of their power, Luz ends up fully connecting with the Boiling Isles Titan and becomes a Titan herself, temporarily. This gives her the magical power she needs to join up with Eda and King for a final fight with Belos that ultimately results in their victory. Thanks to the power granted from King's Dad, the unlikely trio of heroes was able to save the demon realm and head off into a bright future.

luz owl house

As Luz wait is for the echo mouse to project another entry, Eda calls her to come to Hexside for the chance to get her owl palisman. However, as Luz cannot think of a goal or understand her heart's desire, she is the only one in her class to not get one. Dejected, she heads back to the Owl House where she sees a red cardinal palisman and hopes he chooses her. However he does not and she takes him back to school with the other pailsmen who were not paired. She goes into their nest and talks about potential goals for herself when the nest suddenly lifts off the ground. Luz investigates and discovers the Golden Guard has abdicated the palismen.

Ron and Hermione gave Harry half-exasperated, half-commiserating looks. “Mister Cedric Diggory, who also used the Bubble-Head charm, was the first to return with his hostage, though he returned one minute outside the time limit of an hour. Harry’s heart sank, if Cedric was outside the time limit, he was definitely outside of it. Harry could see Madam Pomfrey fussing over Hermione, Krum, Cedric, and Cho, all of whom were wrapped in thick blankets.

In turn, Luz immediately came to admire the trio for their innovative use of the room in learning different forms of magic and was deeply excited to join their group. Following her return to the Demon Realm, it was heavily implied that Luz initially blamed herself for Flapjack's death. This sense of guilt would be used against her after she was briefly captured by the Collector, who controlled Hunter into blaming Luz for losing Flapjack.

She manages to find Francois, but overhears Eda begging Raine to get her and King away before the Day of Unity. A fight breaks out that draws the attention of the scouts and the two are arrested. As they are in a cell together, Luz berates Eda for wanting to send her and King away as Eda reveals they have no plan or team to stop the Draining Spell and the two are placed in separate carriages. However, Amity reveals she cracked the key and got some of the blood on her glove. As the Gland Prix is approaching, Luz and King train for the event as the winner gets interviewed and King wants to send a message to his father. She also helps him as he struggles to tell Eda he wants her to adopt him.

During the race, she and King crash after he vomits and they come in fifth. Eda decides to put his message on Penstagram and he delivers his message with Eda being shocked and overjoyed that he wants to legally become her son. Upon hearing this, Eda starts to cry tears of joy as Luz soon joins in. With her half-Titan form, Luz finally embraced her previous self once again which allowed her to gain the opportunity to defeat Belos for good. Luz finally regained her spirits back after having a heart-to-heart with her mother.

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches Online Resources

Table Of Content Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches Community Reviews ( Edition Notes From inside th...